Slevy na Únor
Pouze do konce Únor sleva do 45% při jednotlivém vstupu na služby přístrojové kosmetologie: konkrétně na Endomasáž s RF + IR vlnami celé tělo, obličej/ krk+ dekolt, RF Lifting na celé tělo, obličej/krk + dekolt, Lipolaser na tělo, Vakuovou RF Masáž.
* Sleva se nevztahuje na fitness zónu, kobido masáž , laminace řas a obočí, kadeřnické služby a lymfodrenáž.
We care about you
We care not only about your body, but also about your finances. To help you achieve the results you want in terms of weight loss, body shaping and self-care without spending a lot of money, we have developed a special loyalty system.
As a client of Studio Figura, you can get maximum benefits of up to 30%, with a 5% to 20% discount on treatments or complexes and an additional bonus of up to 10% in the loyalty system.
What does the Studio Figura discount depend on?
Výhoda až do 45% na všechny služby
We have Discounts up to 20% + Bonuses up to 10%. Ask our specialiston the number of services purchased
on the type of procedures you pay for
You can pay: Visa, MasterCard, Sodexo, Benefity, Benefit plus, Edenred
It is important to note that if you pay for the full range of services according to an individually designed program, you will gain the greatest advantage and save a significant amount of money.
Think about what you could use the money for. For example, a new dress or an extra extra vacuum massage.
Contact a specialist at Studio Figura, who will draw up an individual figure correction programme for you and find out what your discount will be.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our chat here on the site or book a callback (bottom right corner of the screen) or contact us via any messenger...
Below you will find examples of effective weight loss packages and available discounts.
8 398 CZK
- Vacu Shaper 8times (2x weekly)
- Endomasáž s RF a IR vlnami – 30 min 4krát (1x týdně)
- Roll Shaper 8krát (2x weekly)
13 634 CZK
Flat stomach and slim thighs
- Tulip Thermo Climber – 15 min 8krát (2x weekly)
- Lipolaser na břicho -30 min 8krát (2x týdně)
- Vakuová masaz + Rf vlny na stehna a zadek – 30 min4 krát (1x týdně)
- Lymfodrenáž- 20 min 8krát (2x týdně)
6 392 CZK
Skin rejuvenation
- Endomasáž s Rf a IR vlnami na obličej -15 min 4krát (1x týdně)
- Rf lifting na obličej – 15 min 4krát (1x týdně)
5880 Kč
Monthly membership to the training zone
Monthly membership in the exercise zone includes: initial consultation and advice with specialists, the opportunity to work out on any machine in the exercise zone (vacu shaper, roll shaper, swan infrared shaper, tulip thermo climber). Exercise on the machines is unlimited, but it is necessary to make an appointment in advance.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our chat here on the site or book a callback (bottom right corner of the screen) or contact us via any messenger...