Electromyostimulation (EMS) is one of the "trump cards" of instrumental cosmetology. The method promotes weight loss, muscle tone and skin firming. It also has the great advantage of making your body feel better as it feels like it is starting to work after a period of inactivity.
Electrical muscle stimulation is also known as "lazy exercise". This comparison is justified because a 20-minute session of electromyostimulation can replace approximately 4-5 hours of physical exertion.
For whom is electrical muscle stimulation recommended?
In fact, it is difficult to determine who needs myostimulation. We know that this method is recommended for anyone who wants it:
- lose weight;
- smooth the skin (remove cellulite and unevenness);
- reduce the volume of fat reserves;
- stimulate the muscles and restore their tone;
- improve the flow of blood and lymph in the body;
- restore metabolism and natural metabolic processes;
- to shape the figure;
- combat age-related manifestations (deterioration of the skin, lack of muscle tone, the appearance of aesthetic defects, etc.).
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How does electrostimulation work?
Electrical stimulation is a very effective method. It is known to promote weight loss by creating a caloric deficit. If it is not in your power to reduce your calorie intake or increase your physical activity, for whatever reason, electrostimulation will be the right choice for you. With electrostimulation, your muscles will work and the fat layer will be reduced through natural processes as it is with standard exercise.
We recommend combining myostimulation with other procedures depending on the goal.
For example, to keep your buttocks and thighs firm and tight, we recommend exercises on the special Tulip Thermo Climber, vacuum massage with RF lifting and direct myostimulation.
We use a combination of electrostimulation with a lipolaser and a session on the Roll Shaper to remove fat deposits.
Your esthetician will be sure to find an individual program for you that you can follow to achieve maximum results.
The method is based on the use of alternating electric discharges. Under the influence of the current, the muscles are forced to contract and draw energy from existing fat reserves. As with normal exercise, muscle activity reduces the volume of accumulated fat and activates blood flow, lymph and metabolism.
Results of myostimulation:
- strengthened and firmed muscles,
- increase in muscle mass,
- sculpted body,
- a body free of excess fat and cellulite.
It should be noted that electromyostimulation is an excellent complement to exercise and instrumental cosmetic manipulation. It allows you to exercise those muscle groups that are difficult to activate during physical exercise, which increases the effect of the whole complex of procedures.
How many electrostimulation treatments do I need to undergo to have an effect?
As you know, the best results can be achieved in a few treatments. Electrostimulation can involve 6-12 basic treatments (2-3 sessions per week). In addition, 1-2 treatments every 14 days is recommended to maintain fitness.
In 30 minutes you can train three muscle groups, in one hour class you can train front (arms, abdomen, upper thighs) and back muscles (arms, buttocks, upper thighs).
In the gym, you would achieve these results with long and exhausting work. However, unlike standard exercise, there is no lactic acid production during myostimulation. As a result, you won't be plagued by muscle pain and crepitation.
Always be slim and full of energy with Studio Figura. We will take care of your body 100%.
Thighs in front, thighs behind, abdomen
Thighs in front, thighs behind, abdomen
You can pay: Sodexo, Benefity, Benefit plus, Edenred
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Other services
It is designed to awaken and activate lymph flow and detoxify the body. Increases the effect of other procedures: endomassage, exercises on specialized machines. It helps to reduce the volume of the body, tighten the skin and remove swelling.
Endomassage on the body with RF waves and IR waves ensures maximum efficiency in burning fat, shaping the body and improving skin quality. The method uses vacuum-mechanical massage, RF-waves and IR-waves. It eliminates cellulite, accelerates natural fat burning and helps to shape a slim figure.
Under the abbreviation RF-lifting is the term radiofrequency lifting. It is used to tighten the skin, effectively rejuvenate, stimulate collagen production, activate lymph flow and intracellular metabolism.
Ultrasonic cavitation with vacuum by means of cavitation removes fat cells and the vacuum circulates the skin. There is a significant reduction in body volume. It removes cellulite of any degree of visibility. Helps to firm the body and sculpt the female figure.
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