Vacu shaper admin

Vacu shaper is a multifunctional trainer that combines an inclined treadmill with the effect of vacuum in an artificially created negative environment. This combination is most effective for volume correction and fat burning on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
Because these areas always accumulate the most fat, they need to be worked on with great energy and extremely effective methods and techniques.
Vacu shaper Vám pomůže zhubnout a procvičit svaly, zpevnit pokožku, get rid of cellulite and signs of aging in these areas.

Benefits of body contouring with the Vacu shaper

Compared to training on a classic treadmill, the effectiveness of training with the Vacu shaper is 3 times higher, compared to a treadmill 4 times higher.

You can burn more kcal during a 30-minute workout than during other aerobic activities (depending on your body).

After training, the following results are achieved:

  • tangible weight loss;
  • local volume reduction in areas affected by the negative vacuum environment (thighs, buttocks, lower back and abdomen, legs);
  • increase muscle mass and improve the physical condition of the body;
  • getting rid of cellulite and skin imperfections;
  • slim and sculpted body;
  • local fat burning without loss of bust and shoulder circumference;
  • improvement of lymph and blood flow
  • stimulation of rejuvenation and regeneration processes;
  • reduction of swelling, fatigue.

Vacu shaper is an innovative device that can be adapted to the individual needs of the client. Heart rate and exercise regime are monitored during the workout.

To achieve the desired results, we recommend at least 8-10 workouts (the number may be higher depending on body parameters, metabolic rate, age, etc.). In addition, to maintain the shape of the body and the activity of the processes, it is necessary to repeat the exercises 1-2 times a week.

Your body is ready to look amazing right now. All you have to do is help it!

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How does Vacu shaper work?

Vacu shaper is recommended as part of a comprehensive weight loss and body shaping program. Physical activity in a vacuum environment helps reduce bulk and body weight up to four times faster than standard exercise.

Vacuum capsule

The inclined walking surface is located in a special environment. While in the vacuum pressure capsule you will get the maximum effect from your workout, intensively get rid of fat deposits, metabolic and circulatory problems.
Training in a capsule triggers natural fat loss processes, accelerates blood flow and metabolism and gives the body the desired shape. As a result, intensive weight and volume loss occurs in the treated areas.

Selective, zonal fat burning helps you focus your efforts on problem areas of the body, which are always the lower abdomen/back, thighs and legs. With standard exercise, it is difficult to get rid of excess fat. Body proportions also tend to suffer as we initially lose volume in the upper body, which is not always desirable.

It is also worth mentioning the stimulating effect. The activation of blood and lymphatic circulation promotes intensive detoxification of the organism. This eliminates the feeling of "heavy legs" and reduces swelling of the lower limbs.

During exercise, physical activity occurs, muscles are strengthened and the body becomes stronger, leaner and more energetic.

Vacu shaper 390 CZK

You can pay: Sodexo, Benefity, Benefit plus, Edenred

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Other services

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Ultrasonic cavitation From 645 CZK

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Endomassage with RF and IR waves on the whole body From 1190 CZK

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