RF lifting face, neck and décolletage admin

RF lifting face, neck and décolletage je neinvazivní metoda vypínání a omlazování pleti založená na hloubkovém prohřívání tkání vysokofrekvenčními proudy.
Due to the influence of high-frequency currents, blood circulation, lymph flow, metabolism, stimulation of fibroblast production and thus collagen production are activated. In this way, regenerative processes are restored, metabolism is stabilized at the cellular level and the skin's natural regenerative capacity is activated.

The treatment is ideal for restoring the fortress, smoothness and youthfulness of the skin. Aestheticians recommend this procedure if your skin is sagging, droopy, dehydrated and if it has many wrinkles and aesthetic imperfections.
RF lifting vám pomůže zbavit se druhé brady a podkožních tukových zásob v postižené oblasti.
RF lifting odstraňuje výrazové vrásky, vrásky kolem očí, výrazné vrásky včetně nosoretních rýh. Lifting pomocí rádiových vln viditelně zvedá pokožku, formuje kontury obličeje, omlazuje a vypíná pokožku krku a dekoltu.

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Co je RF lifting?

Radiofrequency lifting is an innovative method used in cosmetics to firm and rejuvenate the face, neck and décolleté. It has proven to be an effective method in anti-aging therapy.

The method is based on the process of diathermy - deep heating of the skin layers by high-frequency currents. The frequency of the current used is the same as that of radio waves, but RF-lifting does not actually use them.
The procedure is, more accurately, called thermolifting, which stimulates intense collagen production to achieve significant skin tightening and wrinkle smoothing.

Is the RF-lifting procedure safe?

The skin temperature during the procedure is 40-45°C. It is performed using special heads that allow the aesthetician to fully control the process and ensure complete safety of all manipulations.

Kolik procedur liftingy musí být provedeno, aby bylo dosaženo optimálního výsledku?

To achieve a rejuvenating and firming effect, it is recommended to undergo 6 treatments at intervals of 1 to 2 times a week. The production of collagen and elastin occurs within one month, so it is recommended to repeat the 6 treatments after one month to consolidate the result.

Akční 45% sleva RF lifting 545 (Stará cena 890) Kč


RF lifting 990 CZK

neck + décolletage

Akční 45% sleva RF lifting 699 (Stará cena 1290) Kč

face + neck + décolletage

You can pay: Sodexo, Benefity, Benefit plus, Edenred

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Other services

Endomassage with RF and IR waves on the whole body From 1190 CZK

Endomassage on the body with RF waves and IR waves ensures maximum efficiency in burning fat, shaping the body and improving skin quality. The method uses vacuum-mechanical massage, RF-waves and IR-waves. It eliminates cellulite, accelerates natural fat burning and helps to shape a slim figure.

Lymphatic drainage 250 CZK

It is designed to awaken and activate lymph flow and detoxify the body. Increases the effect of other procedures: endomassage, exercises on specialized machines. It helps to reduce the volume of the body, tighten the skin and remove swelling.

RF body lifting From 700 CZK

Firms the skin and gives it more elasticity, firming sagging and loose skin. Helps to remove stretch marks and reduce cellulite. It is excellent for topical wrinkles, scars or stretch marks. It is one of the key methods in the body complex.

Vacu shaper 390 CZK
Ultrasonic cavitation From 645 CZK

Ultrasonic cavitation uses cavitation to remove fat cells. There is a significant reduction in body volume. It removes cellulite of any degree of visibility. Helps to firm the body and sculpt the female figure.

Vacuum radiofrequency From 600 CZK
Lipolaser 690 CZK
Swan infra shaper 390 CZK

A device that helps with slimming, body shaping, firming the skin and removing cellulite. It is an elliptical trainer with infrared and collagen radiation and ionization system.

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