Which is better - SMAS or RF lifting?

Alexander Gorin lifting

Of the hardware techniques for skin rejuvenation and facial oval restoration, ultrasound and radio waves are the most popular. They are painless, have virtually no side effects, and are cumulative and long-lasting. Which is better - SMAS or RF-lifting is determined individually depending on the problem to be eliminated.

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What is cellulite: reasons, diagnosis, how can we solve...

Alexander Gorin celulitida

Cellulitis is a structural change in the subcutaneous fat layer, which leads to a violation of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Doctors prefer to use the term "gynoid lipodystrophy" instead of "cellulitis"".

Because cellulite is in a sense a secondary female sex characteristic, it is almost impossible to avoid. In one form or another, cellulite is found in 80-90% of women. Trying to get rid of the insignificant manifestations of "orange peel" on the hips and buttocks therefore makes little sense, as it is a normal aesthetic phenomenon.

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The effect of endomassage using radiofrequency and infrared waves on physiological processes in the body

Alexander Gorin Без категорії

Modern cosmetology is constantly evolving and offers us new technologies and techniques to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. One of these innovative treatments is endomassage using radiofrequency and infrared waves. This technology combines the benefits of radiofrequency therapy and infrared radiation to achieve unique results in firming the skin and influencing physiological processes in the body. In this article, we will look at how endomassage affects physiological processes in the body and why this procedure is so popular in the world of cosmetology.

Читать далее „Vliv endomasáže pomocí radiofrekvenčních a infračervených vln na fyziologické procesy v těle“

Effect of vacuum massage with RF-lifting on physiological processes of the organism

Alexander Gorin lifting

In the field of cosmetology, modern technologies are constantly evolving to provide more effective and innovative methods to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. One such advanced method is vacuum massage with RF-lifting. This combined procedure combines vacuum massage and radiofrequency therapy and has a positive effect not only on the appearance of the skin, but also on the physiological processes of the organism. In this article, we will discuss how vacuum massage with RF-lifting affects the physiological processes of the organism and why this procedure is so much in demand in the world of cosmetology.

Читать далее „Vliv vakuové masáže s RF-liftingem na fyziologické procesy organismu“

Effect of ultrasonic cavitation on physiological processes in the body

Alexander Gorin Cometology

The modern era of cosmetology and medical aesthetics provides us with a wide range of options to improve the appearance and maintain healthy skin. One innovative procedure that is recognized as being in demand is ultrasonic cavitation. This method is based on the use of ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells and correct the figure. But what is the effect of ultrasound cavitation on the physiological processes of the body? In this article, we will address this question and determine the benefits and possible risks of this procedure.

Читать далее „Vliv ultrazvukové kavitace na fyziologické procesy v těle“

Effect of ultrasonic vacuum cavitation on physiological processes

Alexander Gorin Без категорії

Ultrasound cavitation with vacuum massage is a combined method that combines two powerful effects - ultrasound waves and vacuum. This procedure not only helps to improve the appearance, but also has a profound effect on physiological processes in the body. Let's take a closer look at how ultrasound cavitation with vacuum affects physiological processes.

Читать далее „Vliv ultrazvukové kavitace s vakuem na fyziologické procesy“

Instrumental cometology and influence on physiological processes in the body.

Alexander Gorin Cometology

Cosmetology is a field of medicine and beauty that is constantly evolving and improving. Today we want to talk about such an important direction in cosmetology as hardware cosmetology and how it affects physiological processes in the body. Hardware cosmetology is a set of methods and procedures performed with the help of special devices and technologies, which are designed to improve the appearance and overall condition of the skin and tissues. However, its effect on the human body is much more profound than just improving appearance. In this article, we will discuss how hardware cosmetology affects physiological processes in the body and why it is important for maintaining health and beauty.

Читать далее „Přístrojová kometologie a vliv na fyziologické procesy v těle.“

Effect of RF lifting on physiological processes in the body

Alexander Gorin celulitida, lifting

RF Lifting is one of the most advanced techniques of instrumental cosmetology, which has become popular due to its effectiveness in strengthening and rejuvenating the skin. It is based on the use of radiofrequency waves to stimulate regenerative processes and improve appearance. However, it is important to note that RF lifting affects not only the skin, but also the physiological processes of the entire body. In this article, we will look at how RF Lifting affects the physiological processes of the body and why it can be beneficial.

Читать далее „Vliv RF liftingu na fyziologické procesy v těle“

Glossary of cosmetic terms

Alexander Gorin Cometology

The Glossary of Cosmetic Terms is a collection of definitions and explanatory notes designed to clarify and clarify the meaning of these terms. It serves as an important tool for cosmetology professionals, students and all those interested in personal care and seeking to understand various cosmetic procedures and products.

This dictionary provides clear and understandable definitions of terms related to cosmetology and helps to create a common language for sharing knowledge and experience in this dynamic field. It promotes awareness of the various aspects of skin care, effective treatments and cosmetic techniques and helps to navigate the variety of products and treatments available in the world of cosmetology.

The aim of the dictionary is to promote understanding and deepen knowledge in the field of cosmetology, to contribute to the development of skills among professionals and to make cosmetology more accessible and understandable to all those who strive for healthy, well-groomed and beautiful skin.

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