RF body lift is an effective non-invasive method of body shapingwhich combats cellulite, stretch marks, sagging and flabby skin.
RF-lifting is one of the key procedures in a weight loss and body contouring program. It is used to effectively remove local wrinkles, stretch marks and scars, as well as to sculpt the body and maintain a perfect body shape and ideal skin condition.
RF-lifting is therefore suitable for those who are actively working on losing weight and for those who are watching their figure as an effective method of preventing cellulite and sagging skin.
The advantage of this technology is its multi-purpose nature. You will achieve several results at the same time: volume and weight loss, skin tightening, restoring skin firmness and elasticity, stimulating lymphatic flow and metabolism, as well as stimulating collagen and elastin production.
The result is a slimmer body and firmer, smoother skin.
What is the purpose of RF body lift treatment?
This procedure is the optimal method for body shaping. The effect consists in burning fat reserves (in combination with ultrasonic cavitation), tightening and smoothing the skin.
You can use the vacuum radio lift to remove excessively wide waists, thighs, buttocks, hips, back and even arms, neck, chin, etc.
Of course, the RF-lifting method cannot be described as a real alternative to plastic surgery. However, we note the high effectiveness of the technology for women who undergo a variety of procedures and comply with the requirements of cosmetologists and nutritionists.
If you have set the following goals, RF lifting is the right method for you:
- weight loss without skin deformation;
- body modelling;
- cellulite removal;
- smoothing stretch marks after childbirth or significant weight gain;
- burning fat in problem areas (hips, buttocks, abdomen, thighs, etc.) - vacuum RF-lifting;
- restoring the firmness, elasticity and smoothness of the skin;
- sufficient skin hydration;
- activation of metabolic and regenerative processes.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our chat here on the site or book a callback (bottom right corner of the screen) or contact us via any messenger...
How does RF lifting work?
RF lifting těla lze definovat jako proceduru, která patří do terapie proti stárnutí. Radiofrekvenční metoda spočívá v zahřívání hlubokých vrstev kůže (dermis a hypodermis) vysokofrekvenčními proudy. Pokožku tato procedura nijak nepoškozuje, proto je považována za velmi bezpečnou.
High-frequency currents stimulate natural collagen production by "activating" fibroblasts - connective tissue cells that synthesize elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.
This treatment helps to smooth the skin, removes cellulite and other irregularities on the surface of the skin, significantly hydrates and restores the skin and gives it an even, healthy tone.
How many RF lifting treatments do I have to undergo?
In our studio you will be offered an individual programme of body shaping treatments. On average, we recommend 6-12 treatments of 1-2 sessions per week with a repeat after 6-8 weeks.
A maximum of 2 areas can be treated in one treatment. Session duration: 30 min (1 zone), 60 min (2 zones).
You can pay: Sodexo, Benefity, Benefit plus, Edenred
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our chat here on the site or book a callback (bottom right corner of the screen) or contact us via any messenger...
Other services
Under the abbreviation RF-lifting is the term radiofrequency lifting. It is used to tighten the skin, effectively rejuvenate, stimulate collagen production, activate lymph flow and intracellular metabolism.
Endomassage on the body with RF waves and IR waves ensures maximum efficiency in burning fat, shaping the body and improving skin quality. The method uses vacuum-mechanical massage, RF-waves and IR-waves. It eliminates cellulite, accelerates natural fat burning and helps to shape a slim figure.
It is designed to awaken and activate lymph flow and detoxify the body. Increases the effect of other procedures: endomassage, exercises on specialized machines. It helps to reduce the volume of the body, tighten the skin and remove swelling.
Ultrasonic cavitation with vacuum by means of cavitation removes fat cells and the vacuum circulates the skin. There is a significant reduction in body volume. It removes cellulite of any degree of visibility. Helps to firm the body and sculpt the female figure.
A device that helps with slimming, body shaping, firming the skin and removing cellulite. It is an elliptical trainer with infrared and collagen radiation and ionization system.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our chat here on the site or book a callback (bottom right corner of the screen) or contact us via any messenger...
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