Endomassage with RF and IR waves on the whole body admin

Endomassage neboli endomasáž (Analogová LPG masáž) je jedinečná procedura, která poskytuje komplexní efekt spalování tuků. Kombinuje vakuově-mechanickou masáž, radiofrekvenci a infračervené záření.
Thanks to this unique combination of techniques and technologies, it is possible to stimulate natural fat burning processes, remove cellulite, reduce body volume and give the body a beautiful shape.
In addition, endomassage has a positive effect on the skin, making it soft, supple and supple.
Cosmetologists successfully use facial endomassage. It helps to remove under-eye bags, puffiness, reduce fine lines and stimulate the skin's natural regeneration.

Relaxing effect combined with overall improvement of the body's condition, detoxification and stimulation of natural processes aimed at weight loss, drainage, body and skin rejuvenation. It has a strengthening effect on the body, thanks to the removal of toxins and excess water.
The procedure is known for its anti-stress effect. It helps to relieve stress and improve sleep.

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What is endomassage?

Endomassage uses the effects of several different methods, such as:

  • Vacuum massage. It is known to be highly effective in fighting fatty deposits. Vacuum massage will make your body firmer while reducing cellulite. It removes excess fluids and toxins from the body, thus allowing the normalization of metabolic processes.
    Thanks to vacuum massage, deeper penetration of radiofrequency current and infrared waves is achieved;
  • Roller massage. It burns fat and gives the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • RF - Radio Frequency Exposure - the passage of high-frequency current through the tissues. Thermal stimulation of collagen and elastin production is especially recommended for people with sagging and droopy skin.
  • Combination of vacuum-mechanical massage and diathermy techniques brings several results - burning fat and tightening the skin of the body;
  • Infrared (IR) waves. They support deeper penetration of high frequency current. As a result, they accelerate and intensify the fat burning effect and oxygenate cells, restoring the synthesis of collagen and elastin.


For whom is endomassage with RF and IR waves suitable?

Endomasage is the optimal choice for those who struggle with excess weight, want to correct the shape and volume of the body, give it a feminine shape and achieve a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

In addition, you can get rid of swelling, excess fluid in the body, and you can also jumpstart metabolic processes.

How many endomassage procedures do I need to undergo?

We approach each client individually. When selecting a program of body correction using endomassage, we take into account the age of the woman, her parameters (weight, height, body volume), we assess the problematic areas and the degree of difficulty.
Depending on your goals and physical peculiarities, we recommend 6-12 sessions of 30-50 minutes once or twice a week. After completing this course, you may need maintenance treatments every 6-8 weeks.
We strongly recommend undergoing the entire treatment to achieve maximum and long-lasting effects.

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Endomassage with RF and IR waves 490 CZK


Endomassage with RF and IR waves 650 CZK

Belly + Hips

Endomassage with RF and IR waves 650 CZK

Thighs (back) +back

Endomassage with RF and IR waves 900 CZK

Thighs (back, front, inner part )+ buttocks

Endomassage with RF and IR waves 550 CZK


Endomassage with RF and IR waves 590 CZK


Endomassage with RF and IR waves 1090 CZK


Endomassage with RF and IR waves Whole body 1190 CZK

30 min

Endomassage with RF and IR waves Whole body 1490 CZK

50 min

You can pay: Sodexo, Benefity, Benefit plus, Edenred

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If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our chat here on the site or book a callback (bottom right corner of the screen) or contact us via any messenger...

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