Instrumental cometology and influence on physiological processes in the body.

Alexander Gorin Cometology

Cosmetology is a field of medicine and beauty that is constantly evolving and improving. Today we want to talk about such an important direction in cosmetology as hardware cosmetology and how it affects physiological processes in the body. Hardware cosmetology is a set of methods and procedures performed with the help of special devices and technologies, which are designed to improve the appearance and overall condition of the skin and tissues. However, its effect on the human body is much more profound than just improving appearance. In this article, we will discuss how hardware cosmetology affects physiological processes in the body and why it is important for maintaining health and beauty.

Instrumental cosmetology and its varieties

Instrumental cosmetology includes many procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin, reducing the visible signs of aging, combating skin defects and also treating various dermatological problems.

Its varieties include:

  1. Laser therapy: This method uses laser light to remove pigmentation, vascular asterisks, scars and to stimulate collagen synthesis, which improves skin elasticity and texture.
  2. Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound waves are used to deep clean pores, improve microcirculation of blood and lymph and hydrate the skin.
  3. Radiofrequency therapy: This method helps to firm facial contours, eliminate wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin.
  4. Microcurrent therapy: Microcurrents are used to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck, which helps to reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin.
  5. Injection treatment: These include injections of Botox and filler substances to help smooth wrinkles and add volume to the skin.
  6. Dermabrasion and peels: These treatments help to remove the top layer of skin, improving its texture and colour.

Effect on physiological processes in the body

Let us now take a closer look at how hardware cosmetology affects physiological processes in the body.

  1. Improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage: Many hardware treatments help improve circulation and lymphatic drainage in the treatment area. This helps the body to remove toxins and waste products more efficiently, which in turn helps to improve the overall health of the skin and body.
  2. Stimulation of regenerative processes: Many instrumental techniques, such as laser therapy and radiofrequency therapy, stimulate the regenerative processes of the skin and tissues. They help to increase collagen and elastin synthesis, which improves skin firmness and elasticity.
  3. Reduction of inflammation: Some device treatments can help reduce inflammation in the skin. This is especially important when fighting problems such as acne and couperose.
  4. Improving metabolism: Hardware techniques help to activate metabolic processes in the skin and tissues, which helps to improve metabolism and supply the skin with essential nutrients.
  5. Maintaining psychological well-being: The impact of improved appearance on psychological well-being cannot be underestimated. Self-esteem and a positive perception of one's appearance can significantly improve self-confidence and overall body health.

Instrumental cosmetology and health

It is important to note that hardware cosmetology not only helps to improve appearance, but can also have a positive effect on the overall health of the body. For example, reducing inflammation in the skin can help with inflammation-related conditions. Improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage can help with spins and other problems associated with impaired fluid dynamics in the body. Increasing overall metabolic levels can have a positive effect on the body's overall health and immune system.
Je však důležité mít na paměti, že přístrojová kosmetologie je lékařský zákrok a měli by ji provádět zkušení odborníci s příslušným vzděláním a licencí. Nesprávně provedené procedury mohou mít negativní zdravotní následky, proto je důležité obrátit se na kvalifikované odborníky.


Instrumental cosmetology is not just a method of improving appearance, but it is a holistic approach to skin and tissue care that can have a positive effect on physiological processes in the body. It helps to improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, stimulate tissue regeneration and many other physiological processes.
However, before performing hardware procedures, it is important to consult an experienced professional to make sure they are safe and effective. The right treatments can help you not only look better, but also feel healthier and more confident.